Monday, November 19, 2018

What All The Magento Discussion Took Place in The Meet?

Magento Discussion

E-commerce is developing day by day and with the development of that Magento development is also taking place all around the world. Magento is basically an open source of e-commerce platform which is written in the PHP. It is basically strong software which is in being since 31st march 2008 and it was originally made by Varien a private company of situated at California. Through this software you would be able avail online merchants with that of a shopping cart and here you would be given certain control over contents as well as functions of the online store. Meganto met took place in China and Megastore was present there to indicate how strong web technology can be and how it can be beneficial for the retail operations. Here is little information listed below about the software as well as about the Magento meet:

What is actually MMSZ18?

Mmsz18 stands for the Magento meet at Shenzhen in the year 2018 and it is for the second time that this meet have taken place at Shenzhen. This meet is said as one of the biggest events or that is organized by the Magento community. This meet can be a great opportunity for those people who have some sort of interest in all of this e-commerce as well as in Magento.

Why is it conducted?

This event proves to be beneficial specifically for four individual groups such as Merchants and manufacturers in China who could get all new cross border platforms, e-commerce solutions, technology partners as well as many services. There is Merchant and manufacturers outside China who could also find their technology partner as well as providers from China so that people could experience distribution options as well as sales for the markets of China. There are Magento integrators, agencies, and developers in and outside China as well who get the all new updates from this mega meet. There are several other service providers as well as technology partners who attend this meet so that they could know about the new trends of e-commerce.

What all the discussion took place in the meet?

The main discussion of the meet would include the current situation of the retail POS where it will be discussed in details about the evolution of the retail POS that took place in China. The reason why PWA technology should be used for retail POS has also being explained in the meet. People could also know about how the PWA technology was utilized by Magento and the challenges that they had to face while the process took place were also discussed. Apart for this they have also let everyone know about how they implemented the PWA POS.

These were some of the information that you need to know about the mega meet of Magento that took place in China.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Spammy Structured Data Penalties - 5 Tips To Avoid The Wrath Of Google

Each new day brings new opportunities with them to attain the desired success in life. However, as every coin has two sides, similarly there are new challenges awaiting the doorsteps. The Search Engine Optimization world too is preparing to conquer the unexpected threats, especially from various Google penalties.

It is evident that websites in a variety of aperture depend on Google for a high percentage of their traffic. Nearly 10% to 50% traffic can be wiped out instantly if the website gets hit by a penalty. Every month by Google, around 400,000 of these kinds of actions are being initiated manually. Google algorithmic updates such as Google Panda and Google Penguin, penalize many other such websites.

The company should be able to diagnose what caused the penalties and try to resolve it, regardless of the type of penalties. Below effective tips will teach the merchants on how to get rid of any penalties that can hold back their organic traffic:-

A. Optimize Internal Links

The merchants have control over Internal links. They can direct the search engines to pages with higher importance and those sections related to one another, with these links. Just like the external links, the internal links can also be over-optimized.

Even though the external links get the most attention, ignoring the signals they are giving Google with the internal links isn’t smart. This can heavily influence how Google crawls their site, while these might not have a great impact on the rankings.

B. Avoid Spammy Markup

Structured data markup, can prove an effective way to improve search engine content discovery, indexation, and organic search visibility. Some Schema markups get recorded by Google’s Knowledge Graph, which produces Rich Snippets and is visible in local results. This can help to enhance and improve the click-through rate and organic search visibility.

But, structure data can harm owners site if not used correctly, due to the latest spammy structured markup penalties from Google.

C. Make Mobile Usability A Priority

Google has launched an important algorithm, Mobilegeddon, a mobile-friendly update. According to the update, all the websites must be mobile-responsive. Or else their traffic and ranking will decline greatly.

The business owners should also make sure that they use smaller images, as images rule the world. It can be loaded easily and fully on mobile devices. Along with the images, there are some other aspects too which need to consider before having the final say.

D. Monitor The Negative SEO

Today, a major concern for webmasters is the Negative SEO. Many businesses get affected by this unethical practices. The best way to stay safe is to keep vigilance. Keep the eyes wide open, and check if someone is creating links or visiting the site frequently. There are many tools available which can be used for manual detection of such malware activities.

E. Target Keywords

Those keywords which are appearing in spam sites more frequently, Google is waging war against them. For example, ‘Payday loans’ is a keyword that has already been targeted. Although, majority group of the people feels that it could do more. If the business is operating in a non-legitimate way then they should expect to be caught in the crossfire.

Final Thoughts

The Global Tech Giant Google is constantly updating its algorithms and features to offer the best user experience. As per SEO Services Melbourne, working in accordance with the guidelines Google provides, prior to the release of any new updates, it can prove handy to avoid penalties.

The content received guidance from the subsequent blog post. The source link as follows:

Monday, November 5, 2018

Upgrade to WordPress 5.0? The New WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Upgrade to WordPress 5.0? The New WordPress Gutenberg Editor

The users must have noticed other platforms like Ghost and Medium offers a unique and refreshing experience for the writers along with WordPress. Over the past few years, the current WordPress visual editor hasn’t had many changes. After many years, there are many changes which are expected.

Many volunteers and contributors have been working on WordPress Gutenberg project or the past six months to create simple and enjoyable Gutenberg WordPress editor. WordPress Development is working on improving their efficiency.

WordPress 5.0 Release Date:-

The release of the latest version of the WordPress was set to be in between April or May 2018, but the version is delayed. Currently, it is in beta or testing phase. Most of the users are probably unaware of the fact that what will be served for them in the plate. Now the WordPress is set to be released in the coming months for 2018.

Gutenberg, the new editor in WordPress 5.0. It is available as a beta plugin. It is not easy to use nor intuitive. The user can know that WordPress 5.0 is not the WordPress that they are used to. Also, it may be incompatible with their current themes or plugins.

Security Updates

Security issues are not a new issue. Indeed, it is of much concern. So many users are concern about WordPress security. For business, and even the minor security flaw can prove harmful. WordPress has already introduced some security features that are helpful for the users, to prevent cyber attacks on the website. Such as recommending hosting websites with,

  • Two-factor authentication
  • SSL Certificate
  • Application Passwords
  • Security keys
  • OTP or backup verification code.
The authority of the WordPress is likely going to improve their security in future releases and that can be for WordPress 5.0 as well. The latest version is in the beta state and the user can get a complete update in the coming days.


A. Gutenberg WordPress Editor Plugin

This is the most exciting feature of the latest version. It is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who is known for the invention of the movable type printing press. For the beginners, this version will be easy for them to learn.

B. Front-end Editor

Just like the user uses the mobile phone and touch screen for changing text, front-end editor works in the same way. Visual Composer is the dominating front-end editor plugin. Front-end editor is lighter and faster compared to the visual composer.

C. Mobile Optimization

WordPress authority is trying hard to improve the user experiences day by day. WordPress themes are now responsive. The differences in websites maintenance between desktop and mobile have become a routine for the company.

D. Crop Background Image

The process to change the background of the websites involves the selection of the background image, manual cropping and then uploading. Now the users have the option to crop their image before it goes live. It reduces the significant time in changing the background image flow.


So far this is the known features of the latest version of the WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg. There are many more features to be included in the final update. As per the WordPress Developer Sydney, WordPress is definitely preparing for a really big evolution.

The content received guidance from the subsequent blog post. The source link as follows:

Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Beginners Guide to Link Building High-Quality

The Beginners Guide to Link Building High-Quality

Link building is the best practice to be followed by the Businessman in order to scale up their business. The trends for the link building are changing with time and the merchants need to keep up with this changing. The old tactics of Search Engine Optimization no more work in the modern world.

If the merchant is serious about making positive changes and wants to rebuild their link strategies than they need to follow the below guides to enhance their business growth and develop the business to its full potential.

1. Check out The Competitors Backlink

To have a look at the backlinks of the competitors is one of the best and easiest ways to find new places where the merchants can build their backlinks. To outrank the competitors in Google than the quality of backlinks should be high. The merchants can become the authority in their niche by replicating the best backlinks of their most important competitors.

2. Write Guest Post

Writing Guest articles on reputable websites in the niche is another great method that works for building backlinks. Merchants can tap into already established audiences to drive traffic to their websites and also earn a high-quality backlink just by publishing useful content on third party websites.

However, when publishing the content on third-party websites, business owners should make sure that the quality of the content should be of a high level just as they would do for the blog posts on their own websites.

3. Broken Link Building Method

Just like 404 pages, this link building strategy helps the business to build backlinks by searching for websites that are linked to outdated resources. Merchants can earn a high-quality one-way link by giving the webmaster a heads up about the issue and also provide their website as a resource.

4. Building Backlinks Using Links Roundups

Building super high-quality backlinks for the websites using Link roundups are one of the easiest and smartest ways. There are numerous bloggers who carry out weekly or monthly roundups of the best content published on the internet. If the business owner had already published an outstanding piece of content then all they have to do id to find websites running such roundups and then outreach to the blogger and give them a link of the content.

5. Keeping The Track Of Backlinks

Last but not the least, keeping the track of all backlinks which is earned or build. Sometimes, it may happen that someone might link the blog without taking the permission of the merchants. It is also recommended that to get accurate insights about the backlinks and SEO performance, then the domain should be linked with Google Analytics.

Final Thoughts

Link building techniques can be leveraged by spying on the competitors and determining what works best for the business. According to SEO Services in Sydney, only smart methods should be sued to build new backlinks of the websites and always keep the track of all the backlinks of the websites which are earned.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Best WordPress Plugins for 2018 - WordPress Plugin Development Company

The success rate of any website depends on the way it has been created and the features used to handle the same. A set of plugins that serves different purposes helps the Wordpress Developers of Sydney to create a thoughtful website which is both effective for the user as well as the website owner.

Thus, this brings us to know the 8 WordPress plugins which can stimulate the process of website creation.

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WordPress Plugin Development Company

Thursday, October 25, 2018

How to Get Traffic to Your eCommerce websites - Ultimate Guide

eCommerce websites - Ultimate Guide
Web designing has a major impact on any eCommerce Website Design which can make or break the sales. It is a fact that users are said to form an opinion about the websites in the first 0.05 seconds. Content is king but 0.05 seconds is just too short a time span to even notice that. What catches the eye even faster is the kind of web design, interface, and experience that the business owner’s eCommerce store is providing.

Here are some of the effective steps for providing a smooth user experience for eCommerce websites Design:-

Web Design Structure Should Be Easy And Simple:-

The design of the website should be in such a way that it does not seems complex to the users. The whole layout and navigation to pages need to be uninterrupted. The users expect to access the website through simple clicks and their experience should be good for them to return to the same websites.

By designing web design structure simple and uncomplicated, business owners can attract plenty of users to surf through a site and engage in seamless shopping.

Add Unique Content To Site Based On Time And Seasonal Trends:-

It is recommended to add unique and engaging content for the products available on the website highlighting their utility. Providing proper descriptions of the product and making it engaging along with inserting appropriate keywords.

Mixing up and adding seasonal product will make it more engaging for the users. Spicing it up with quirky and unique content will make customers continue to stream websites.

Website Should Be Fast Enough:-

Speed is everything that matters these days. If the customers are kept waiting and the websites take so much time to load than it is definite that the customers will leave the website and prefer some other websites.

If the speed of the website falls, then the sale and revenue generation of the eCommerce website also drops simultaneously.

In order to keep the users glued on to an eCommerce website, then it is highly recommended to craft web design that is well optimized with high-quality videos and images such that they are not consuming too much bandwidth and that the website speed is not compromised.

Use Eye-Catching Typography For The Website:-

Several times, typography is ignored by the developers. Typography is responsible for plenty of users streaming into an eCommerce site. Content should be readable and the legibility of the text should be great.

Users should be able to comprehend the text immediately. For better typography, businesses can use Adobe Kuler for trying out different color schemes set against different fonts and style of the text.

Make Use Of Browsing History:-

Browsing history can be used for better individualization. The eCommerce website should be designed in a way where the user can use the browsing history for viewing a range of related products.

Designing a flawless eCommerce store that converts and sells is no child’s play. The organization needs to be an expert and professional in the field. Initially, they can take external help from the agencies such as eCommerce Website Design in Sydney which will help them to design effective website design.

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About Magento 2.3 and All Its New Releases

The world is going to witness the release of Magento 2.3, and it is going to be faster, easier to manage, more user-friendly and even more secure. There is no doubt that the new features are going to enhance the business of the merchants. Magento Development will have a meaningful impact on the eCommerce business.

Along with Magento 2.3, the Business-friendly page builder will be released as a beta, while the full version will be included as a patch release for 2.3 x versions. The page builder will be available as a paid extension via the marketplace for Magento Open Source.

Here is the list of some of the important features which are likely to matter most to store owners:

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive web apps are the future solution for eCommerce retailers. It will facilitate an app like experience without the need to download an app. Among the benefits of PWAs are faster load times and a number of features such as push notifications which will make it easier for users to return to the site.

magento-2-3 developers support the creation of PWAs by including a PWA studio that developers can use to build applications that support their online store and enhance their user’s shopping experience.

2. Speed Improvements

The Magento store owners can expect that by introducing support for GraphQL, Magento 2.3 will enable information to be pushed and pulled to and from their store using much smaller packets of data meaning faster load times.

3. Two Factor Authentication

In Magento 2.3, 2FA is a security feature now available as standard. Its inclusion follows a general trend in digital to require something beyond a simple password to gain access to an account.

Two Factor Authentication is now available via extensions on Magento 2.2 for some time but 2.3 offers it straight out of the box.

4. Google Recaptcha

Basically, reCAPTCHA can require that someone trying to access a website proves they are human, usually by ticking a box identifying themselves as “not a robot”. This is an extra security module to the site by preventing access to unwanted bots whose intentions may not be entirely honorable. It provides a ready alternative to the existing Magento CAPTCHA module.

5. Page Builder

This feature allows the user to create and change pages using a simple drag and drop interface, Magento 2.3 Commerce will provide store owners with more control over their site content directly from the backend decreasing the need for expert support.

Final Thoughts

The introduction of the Magento 2.3 marks a significant step forward in Magento development and underlines its unassailable position as the world’s most complete eCommerce solution. According to Magento Developers Melbourne, the potential of PWAs is of course of particular excitement for the forward-thinking online business.

For queries or any query?? Just fill up the contact form and our experts will get back to you soon.

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Hiring Magento Developers: 5 Factors

Hire Magento Developer

Recently, Magento has evolved into the well-known e-commerce platform for both businesses and development. Flexibility, scalability, development architecture, and many more security features are the USP of Magento Developers in Melbourne. It is a completely customizable platform. It allows e-commerce developers to personalize an online store according to a customer’s requirements.

This various features enhance the user experience and ensure revisit the same website whenever they want to make a purchase. If the merchants need an attractive e-commerce store, hiring professional Magento developer in Sydney is the right way to go. Quality and optimization of technology are of major concern when it comes to e-commerce development. Developers need to have apt knowledge and skills.

Here are some of the qualities which needs to be kept in mind while hiring Magento developer:

1. Know The Requirements:-

Before starting any inquiry for a developer, it is necessary that the company should do some homework and jot down their requirements and functionality needs for their Magento store. And to carry out this, business owners, first of all, needs to study all the Magento features, and how it can be used for the profit of their business. They should also know about:

  • What level of customization is needed for their project?
  • Know all the competitors well and what they did for e-commerce?
  • What is the budget of their project?
  • Find Certified Magento Developers?

Only Properly certified Magento Development should be hired. Also, they must have cleared all Magento certification exams such as certified front-end developers, social learning group certification, Magento certified developer, modification kit, and developer plus. These certifications will make them more proficient and scale up their business.

Developers should also know more than just how to code, also best practices of building a site, and, in the process, help them to save on costs and time over the long haul.

2. Check Online Reviews:-

Nowadays, any company’s review can be checked online with the help of internet. Same goes with Magento e-commerce developers. There are various platforms where the companies are being audited. They can read online real client’s reviews and ratings, from those who developed their website with those companies.

3. Development Time:

As the web development projects are time bound, it is important to know how much time a developer will take to develop the website. How will they handle the situation if there are setbacks, will they adjust it in their timeline or will they ask for more time. Merchants should make sure that the developers they pick should respect the timelines and delivers the project on time.

4. Quality Checking Of The Final Product:

Whether it is Magento or something else, Testing is crucial in the development process. Companies should make sure that the development company they hire should have QA specialist to test the code. It is vital to understand their function, and how they fit into their specific business.

5. Post Development Support:-

Developing an online business store in Magento is not over after it’s completed. It should be occasionally updated and frequently checked. According to Magento Developer in Sydney, merchants should make sure that the development company signs an agreement with the business owners before starting up the development process, it should be mentioned that they will provide post development services to ensure quality business.


If the company wants their e-commerce store to offer a superior shopping experience and better ROI than they should consider all the above-given factors when choosing a Magento development company.

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